söndag 17 augusti 2008

Säljes: 11-månaders baby

Säljes: Pigg, charmig, energisk, nyfiken 11-månaders baby (pojke) med blont hår och änglablå ögon.
Pris: Vi är öppna för alla bud, kan även tänka oss typ en micro, gräsklippare eller liknande i utbyte.

(Obs! Vissa defekter i nattsömn och näringsintag)

3 kommentarer:

Evil Bambi sa...

Haha, well, countering the generous offer you made some months ago I guess I have to place a bid. What was it you bid again for Pontus? Right, 2 kronor it is!

Evil Bambi sa...

I'm afraid I will have to take back my generous bid of 2 kronor as I feel that you have given incomplete and faulty information.
The child you are offering is in fact not 11, but only 10,75 months old. There is also no mention of his criminal past as a pickpocket. I myself recall an incident involving a keychain.
I am sure you understand why I can not make business with you under these circumstances.

Muddiz sa...

I´m not interested anyway, I want a microwave!