lördag 16 maj 2009

Eurovision song contest (3)

Jag behöver nog inte ha dåligt samvete för att jag inte orkade rösta på Norge. Han verkar ju klara sig rätt bra ändå... Kan ju konstatera att jag var helt fel ute när jag trodde att Ukraina skulle vinna (som tur var).
Malena har inte skrapat ihop så många poäng men det hade jag inte trott heller. Nä, vi skulle skickat Caroline istället. Hon skulle säkert kunnat säkra åtminstone en femteplats (ja, jag är fortfarande bitter för att hon inte vann).

1 kommentar:

Evil Bambi sa...

Iceland should have won hands down. THAT was a nice song. Or, if you have a sense of humor, how about Finland with Waldo's People's "Lose control"? That was 90's electro dance pop at its best (and sounded almost exactly like E-Type's "True believer" by the way).
But then there was Alexander Rybak and I don't know what went wrong. First the story about how he wrote that song while he was out hiking in the snow or something - depending on the altitude I guess cerebral hypoxia could explain some of the nonsensical lyrics. And then when he sang all you saw was his nostrils (and up his nostrils). He was all nostrils! I was happy to see that he is a real brunet, but in the long run the constant exposure to thick strands of nasal hair was somewhat sickening. I told him several times to lower his head a little, but he just didn't seem to want to do me the favour.
Unfortunately Johan liked the song, so he goes around singing it, while I stand and flare my nostrils as a form of silent protest.