Eftersom han har växt ut babyskyddet har vi nu köpt en bilbarnstol till Milton. Det blev en Maxi Cosi Mobi i färgen Red flame. Inköpt på Babyproffsen för 2890 :-
Hittils är vi väldigt nöjda med stolen. Den har bl.a flera vilolägen som man kan fälla den i. Men jag upptäckte prescis att det är godkänd för 9-25 kg. Han väger ju bara typ 8,5 kg så jag måste nog sätta igång och göda honom nu.
1 kommentar:
We had also looked at a Maxi Cosi Mobi. Pontus hasn't outgrown his babyskydd yet and when it happens it will be because of his weight, not of his length, so we might have some more time. What we weren't sure about was that the Maxi Cosi could only be installed facing backwards. I know, I know, laws and recommendations, but this car seat will be used for a long time and I would at least like the option of installing it facing forward. Okay, to be completely honest: I know that it can be installed facing forward! How do I know that? My parents bought a Maxi Cosi Mobi right before we went to Germany the last time, then they called the evening before and said that they couldn't figure out how to put it in backwards so they had put it in facing forward and was that okay with us? It was. It wouldn't have been had I known that the seat was never meant to be installed that way. Johan was not happy to hear that.
You live and learn...
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